Berliner Stadtreinigung

Peperoni Werbe- und PR-Agentur

Graphic design

Berliner Stadtreinigung is the municipal waste management and cleaning company in the city of Berlin. We created an awareness campaign to promote city cleanliness, with a focus on the use of trash bins.

The goal to achieve was to communicate that in Berlin, there is a trash bin almost on every corner. We introduced one of these characteristic trash bins as a butler who is "Always ready to serve you.“ This served as a reminder to citizens that keeping the streets free of waste and litter is simple and requires minimal effort.
In addition, we personalized real trash bins to match our character and brought "Reiner" to life, a talking robot who after many years continues visiting events in the city to talk with people about the importance of using trash bins.

Awards and recognition: Finalist Design Prize Brandenburg 2013 // Finalist German Prize for Business Communication 2014 // Red Dot Award: Communication Design 2014 awarded // Inclusion in Das Jahr der Werbung (Advertising Yearbook) 2015
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